Friday, December 9, 2011

Vietnam hospitals

I was ranting about my hospital experiences recently. The stories that I hear from my husbands and his doctor friends are true.

There has been many articles about it recently on

About the 'super-fast one minute medical examinations' given by doctors, causing doctors to rely on machine generated diagnosis which can be inaccurate!

About the mystery 'envelopes' that patients have to give to the doctors and nurses to receive better care (and not necessary proper care):

Vietnam hospitals are EXTREMELY crowded:

Patients wait for hoursss to see the doctor for a minute. They have questions but daren't ask. Those who did ask never got their complete answers. They leave with a list of prescriptions not knowing whey they need them for. Are they being naive? They are never given an opportunity to understand their disease. Whatever the doctor says has to be right. Patients don't get to make any decisions.

Doctors see an aversge of a hundred patients each day. Their monthly salary can be comparable to a maid's salary. They have no motivation to work. Is it ethical for them to receive those 'envelopes' from patients? You tell me. I don't really know anymore. Can you feed your family with a salary of USD150? Yea, u might think poor families do it all the time... Would you ever imagine a doctor as one of those poor families?

This situation in Vietnam can be so complicated that I wonder how the government can clean it up... It saddens me to read about it and am very grateful that I have an option to get better treatment at a private hospital (though not as proper as back home in Malaysia). But yet, it is still lacking at private hospitals.

I pray that one day my other half will fulfil his dream to initiate a proper hospital in this country for his people.

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